The Prafi`ice of `Piety. * which we cannot pleafe God. Ifthe hearing of Chrí s voice be the chiefe marke of- Chrifis eleE' b fbeepe, and of the i Bride - groonres friend : then muft it be a fearefüll marke of a Repro- bate k Goat either to neglec` or contemne to h2are the preaching of the Gofpell. Let no man thinke this Pofition foolifh, for 1 by this ßolif,ne f e of preaching, it pleafeth God to flute them which beleeate, Their ftate is therefore fearefull, who line in peace , without caring for the preaching of the Gofpell. Can men look few Gods mercy, and defpife his meanes? m He (faith . Chri/l of the Preachers of his Gofpell) That des` afeth yoi,de- i ifëth mee. ,i He that is ofGod; heareth Gods Word : ye therefore heare them not, becauuf yee are not of God. Had not the o If- raelites heard Phineas meífage, they had neuer wept. Had not the -Baptifl preached, the 1, K 3 Iewes 197 gHcb.ii.6. b lob. 10.2.7 i [oh!) 3, 2.9. k Heb.z.3. lohn 8.47. 1 i Cbr.1.2t m Luke to. i6. n lob. 8.47. o ,iud.s.r, &c.