40 p Luk.7,; z, q A4.2.3353 nonas 3.5. f Prou. 28. 9. t Luke 3 5. The; Praftice of Piety. Iewes had neuer P mourned. Had not they , who crucified Chriff, heard `Peters q Sermons; their hearts had neuer beene pricked. Had not the Niniuitec heard Ions r preaching,they had neuet repented ; and if thou wilt not f heare and t repent, thou (halt neuer bee faued. V I I. The opinion, that the, Sacraments are but bare Signe: and Sealer of Gods prom fe and grace veto vi, doth not a little hinder Piety whereas, indeede, they are Scales, as well of our feruice and obedience vnto God ; which feruice, if we performe not vnto him , the Sacraments Peale no grace unto vs :But if we receiue them upon the refolut tion, to be his faithfull and pe- nitent Servants, then tilt! Sacra - ments doe not only fignifie and offer, but alfo Peale and exhibit indeede the inward fpirituall grace, which they outwardly promife and reprefent. And to this