Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The 'Prat of Piet. 199' this end Baptifne is called the I Tia .p. u waíhing of Regeneration, and 3 renewing ofthe Holy Ghoft, and the Lords Supper, x The corn - x t 16, munion of the Body and Blóod of Chr fl. Were this truth belee- ucd, the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper would be oftner, and withgreater reverence recei. tied. V I I I. The 1aff, and not the 1eá1 blocke,whereat 'Piety fhum- bleth in the courfe of Religion, is, by adorning Vices with the names of Zlertues as to call drunken carowfing, Drinking of Health!: fpilling innocent blood; Valour : Gluttony, Ho vitality Couetoufnes,Thrftinef Whore - dome, louing a Miflrefre: Si- mony, Gratuity : Pride, Grace - ficlne f fe : D i f fembling , Comple- ment : Children of Belial,good fellowes : Wrath, haflinefe : Ri- bauldry , Mirth. So on the o- ther fide, to call Sobriety, in words and ac`ïions, H %pocrifie : K 4 Alnaef2