200 The PriEEíce ofPiety, ..dlmefdeeds,vainglory : Deuoti on, îuperftition:Zetile to religion., Puritanifrtre: Humilíty,crosach- én : fcruple of Confcienre, pre - cif nes,e c. and whiles thus we call Etta good ; and Good, mill; true Pietie is much hindered in her progretîe.And thusmuch of the firft hinderance of Piety; by miflaking the true fenfe of force f eciall placer of Scripture, and grosias_ofChrif1ian eligion. The fecond hinderarrçe of Piety. 2. The euill example of great perforar, Th,, Trac`lice of whofe prophaneliues they prefer for their imitation, before the Pre- cepts of Gods Holy Word. So that when they fee the greateff men in the Stare , and many chiefe Gentlemen in their Court. trey, to make neither care nor confcience to heare Sermons to recciue the Communion, nor to. famlific,the Lords Sabbath, &c. But to be Swearers, Adsal- terers, aim