ti The PraElice of Piety. terers,Carowfr.r,Oppre f fors, &c. Then they thinke, that the y- fing of thefe holy Ordinances', are not matters of fo great mo- ment : for if they were fuel% great and wife men would not fet fo little by them. Hereupon they thinke that Religion is. not a matter of neceffity. And therefore where they íhould ( like Chriflians) rowe againff the fl:reame of impiety towards Heauen : they fuller themf élues to bee carried with the multi- tude , downe -right to Hell, thinking it itnpoffible that God will fuffer fo many to bee dam - ned. Whereas if the god of this world had not blinded-the eyes of their minds : the holy Scriptures would teach them, that a Not many Wife men after the leßi, not many mightie, not many' noble, are called, &c. but that for the moft partthe b pore receiue the Goff ell, and that e ,fire rich- men )hall be fried. K, r And