Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

202 d.11!fatchs:. ;. Rpterates po- tenter cr aaca- ab.untur 5ap. Apoc.6. t S, The Pratiice of 'Piety. And, That howroeuer many are called, yet the choler; are but f zo. Neither did the d multitude euer faue any from damnation. As God bath aduanced men in greatneffe aboue others : fo Both God expea that they in Religion and Piety , fhould goe before others totherwite, great nesabufed (in the time of their Stewrardfhip) (hall turne to their greater condemnation, in the day of their accounts. At what time fznfullgreat- and mighty mep as well as the poarefi flames , and bondmen, (ball with, that the Rockes and Mountains fhall fall upon them, and hide them from the prefence of the budge, and from his 4 deferuedwrath.. It will prooue but a miferable folace, to haue a great compa- ny of great men partakers with thee, of thine eternall torments. The multitude. of (inners cloth not extenuate , but aggrauate fnue, as in Sodom. Better it is there.