Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Praí`tice sf PiPty. 203 therefore with a few to be fa- ued in the Ari<e, than with the whole World, to bee drowned in the Flood.Walke with the few o god , in the Scriptures narrow Macch >.3 t y path to Heauen : but crowd not with the godleffe multitude, in Exod.233, the broad way to Hell. Let not the examples of irreligious great men hinder thy repen- tance : for their greatnes can- not at that Day exempt them - felues from their owne moll grieuous punifhments. The third hinderance of .Piety. 3. The long efcaping of der- seed punifhment in this lif, . Be.. cauf f ntence (faith Salomon) Eecl.BóW is not ffieedily executed arain1 an eui/l workr , there f re the hearts of the Children of mex are filly Jet in them to doe twill, not knowing that the botentsfulnef e of God leadeth them to repen- h Rolm s.4.. tance. But when his patience is cr.,ao, abuf d,& mansßìns;are ripened his