Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Praftice of Pieey. his luftice will at once both i be -. gin, and matte an end of the (in- ner : and hee will recompence the flowne f fe of his d play, with the grieuoufi eff e of his punifh- ment. Though they were fuf feeed to ran on the skore all the daies of their life: yet they (hall be fore to pay the vtmoft Far - thing,at the day of their death. I And whilfi they fuppofe them felues to be freed from .fudge -. ment ; they are already finitten with the heauieft, of GODS lodgements ; ka heart that can- not repent. The Stone in the reines or bladder, is a grieuous paine that kills many a mans body : but there is no difeafe cor pcra1er to the fione in the heart,wherof ner " 3 Sans. $5,, i ..2V Ad died, and killeth milli- fl a:.. ons offoules. They refiafe the tryall of Chrill and his Croffe : but they are f oned by hels Ex- ecutioner, to eternal( death. Becaufe many Nobles and G.eutlemen,are not nitte with ?refent