Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

J The `PraFtice of Piety. prelent Judgement, for their outragious Swearing, Adulte- rie, D runksennefe,O ppref on,Pro- phaning of the Sabbath, ariddif- gracefull neglec4 of' Gods wor- /hip and Seruice . they begin to doubt ofdiuine Prouidence and Afflict.. e Both which two Eyes, they would as willingly put out in God , as the Philif ims bored out the Eyes of Samf x. It is greatly therefore to be feared leíl they will prouoke the Lord to crie out againft them , as Sarrafon againft the PhiliTms By negl ring tote Law, and walking after their owne hearts, they put out (as much as in them Lyeth)the eyes ofmy Prauidence and:'. dufiice. Leade mee therefore. to thefe chiefe Pillars, whereupon the Realnie flandeth : that I may pull the Pealsne upon their heads, and be at once auenged of them for my two -eyes. Let not Gods: pa- tience, hinder thy repentance but, N11641. tud,Z6.x6, 8;c.-