Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The `Prat'lice ofPiety. for finne fo feuerely puniíheth others, can loue him, who íäll loueth to continue in fin ? True it is; Chrift is merciful!. But to whom ? oncly to them that re- pent, and turne from iniquity in fray Ç Iacob. But if any man bhp. him- Deu.a9.igo felf in his heart . faying, Ifball base peace , althou h I zwalk.g according to the flubbornenefe of mine owne heart , thus adding drunk 'nneri e to thirf ! the Lord will not be mcrci,`ull to him, c. O mad men, who dare blefle themfelues, when G OD pro nouhceth them accurfed ? Look Non delir, therefore how faire thou art quenti, fed from finding repentance in thy re- p Y linguenti c - felfe ; fo far art thou from any donat affurance of finding mercy in- Chria. Let therefore the wicked ßrfake hit wayet, and the vn- !fay 11.. righteous hrù owne imaginations, and return unto the Lord , and hecc will haue mercy upon him: - and to our God fir bee id vet,/ ready to ßrgisse; tietpaire 207