Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

o S' The 7'raFíice ofPiety. Defpaire is nothing fo din- gerous as Profiemption. For wee reade not in all the Scriptures, ofaboue three or fbure, whom roaring Defpaire ouerthrew : But fecure Prefumption bath Pent millions to perdition with- out any noyfe.' As therefore I Sacs the Damfels of Ifrael fang in their dances, Saul bath Mild his thoufand, and Danid hri tome thoufands :. fo may 'I fay, that D ipaireof Gods mercy bath ¡'íetuendum damned tholdfinds, but the Pre -. efneteocci fumption of Gods matey bath dat f jes,& damned ten thouf and , and 'fent cum mu,lcurn them ..quicke to. Hell, where rrts de now they remain rn in eteall j sncidu -in -- torments without all helpe of idácánm, cafe , or hope of Redemption. Aug. God fpared , the Thie f , but Lure z3 Latronú exr not his Fellow Gott fpared one, emplum no that no man might defaire oli exempai God fpared but one, that no iriitationra, man fh?uld,:prefunse; oyfttll" fed confota a(ftrrance -tò -- a, . firmer that re- tlo' penes no comfort .to him,that re-1