Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Prat-lice of Piety. og remaines impenitent. God is in- finite in mercy , but to. them onely, who turne from their fumes, to ferue him in holine f fe: without which no man (hall fee the Lord, Fß°'61?.. 14. To keepe thee therefore from the hinde- rance of prefumption remem- ber, that as Chrifi is a Sariiour, fo Mofes is an Acculer. Liue therefore, as though there were no Gofjpel: die as though there were no Law. Pale thy life, as though thou wert vnder the condu!a of Mofes: Depart this life, as if thou kneweft none but Chrift, and him crucified. Prefume not, if thou wilt not perifh Repent, ithou wilt be (sued. The fifth hinderance of Piety. S . Euill Company, common,- ly termed Good fellowes :but in- deede, the Diuels chiefe inftru- meets, to hinder a. wretched (inner from repentance and piety. The firft figne of Gods fauour Iohn reidatper_ ?Ittenti vetad. am,non da- bit peccanti potitenti- am,Aug.