The Prathce o f 7'iet, fauour to a firmer , is , to glue him grace( to forfake euill com- panions : filch , who wilfully continue in finne, contemne the meanes of their calling, gybing at the fincerity of profeffion in others, and fhaming Chrifti- an Religion by their owne pro - phane lines. Thefe fit in the feat of the Scorners. For, affoone as God admits a inner to bee one of his people, he bids him come out of Babylon.Euery lewd company is a Babylon. Out of which, let euery childé ofGod either keep 2 himfelfe : or if he be in ; thinke that he heares his Fathers voyce founding in his care , C ome out of Babylon, my Chalde. As foone as Chrif{ looked in mercy upon Peter, he went out of the company that was in the high Priefis Hall,and wept bitterly for his of- fence. D amid vowing(vpon re- couery ) a new life,faid : Away from mee , all yois workers of ini- grert