Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

?he Traffice of `Piety, quity,&c. As ifit were vnpof- fible to become a new man, till he had (bairn off all olde ill companions. The truefi proofe ofa mans Religion, is the qua- lity of his companion:. mrophane companions are the chiese ene- mies of Pietie, and quellers of holy motions. Many a time is poore Chrfl(ofring to be new borne in thee) thruft into the Stable : when thefe lewd com- panions , by their drinking player, and ieaf s, take vp all the belt roomes in the Inne of thy heart. Oh , let not the compa- ny of earthly ftnners hinder thee from the fociety of hea- uenly Saints and eAngels. The fxth hinderance of `Piety, 6.4 conceited f are , left the praffice of Piety fhossld make a man (efpecially a young man ) to waxe too fadde and penfiste : whereas, indeed, none can bet- ter ioy , nor haue more caufe to reioyce, then the pious and rAigioa3