Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Prathce of Tiety, religious Chriflian.For as boon as they are iuf ified b faith, they haue peace with God than which there can bee no greater boy. Betides ; they haue already the Kingdome of Grace' defcended into their hearts : as an aflh-. rance,that(in Gods good time) they #hall afc end into his King- done of Glory. This Kingdome of Grace cófiíls in three things. Firft, Righteoufne f fe, for hawing Chrifls righteoufueffe to iufti- fie them before God, they en- deauour to line righteoufly be- fbre men. Secondly , Pence, fòr the peace of confcience in- feparably followeth a righteous conuerfation. Thirdly, the'ior of the Holy Gho, ff ; which ioy is onely felt in the Peace of a good Confcience : and is fo great, that it a prffeth all vnder- ßanding: No tongue can expreffe it, no heart can conceiue it, but oncly bee that ferles it. This is that filneff e of ioy, which