Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

the PraClice of Piety. 6 Chrifi promifed his Difciples, in the midde(} of their troubles a ioy that-no man could take from them. The feeling of this Joy, Dauid v po his ,.repentance beg- ged fo earneily at the hands of G.xl: c Reflore7neeto the icyofj thy faluation. And if the An- gels in heaven d reioyce fo much at the conuerfion of a Sinner : the icy' of a' "Sinner concerted mu(} needs be > exceeding gl-eat in:his owne heart. It is c worldly forrow, that.fnowes -f o timely vpon mens heads, and fils the furrowes of th'r hearts with . the forrowes of death.The god- ly forrow of the godly ( when God thinkes it meete to try th ) caufeth in them. Repen- tance not to bee repented off for it doth but further their falua- tion. And in -all filch tribulati- on, they (hall bee fire to haue the holy Ghofi to be theirf Com- forter : who will g make our Confolationr to abound through Chrft, ZÌ3 b toh.t6.a+ Verfe s z. .la. d Luke r r. 7,io. e a Cor.7,co floh t6, 17. g z Cor. I f