214 The Praflice of Piety, ChrO, ru the fs f erings of Chrtfi 'hall abonnsl in Vt. But whileft a man liueth in impiety, he bath ii Ifa.ç,.si. b so peace, faith Efay : his laugh- i Ecclef s. ter is but madneffe, faith Salo- mon:) his riches are but k clay, faith eA bakuk, : nay, the Apo - ffle efleemes them no better I Phil.3.8. than I dung : (in comparifon of the pious mans treafure) all his ioyes (hall end in woes , faith Chrill. Let not therefore this falfe feare hinder thee from the Practice of Piety. Better it is to goe fickely (with Lazarus) to Heaseen , then full of mirth and pleafure , with `Dines to Hell. Better it is to mourne for a time with men, than to be tor- mented for euer with `Ousels. Flexes, fîrci The feuenth" hisderance res wain of Piety. tua tempora 7. And tally, The hope o f long menfem : life : for,were it poffi ble that a ies,glrusn wicked liuer thought this yeere tan fit (dies to be his lafl eere : this moneth tan vna dies y ni.Morus, his tail moneth: this wecke, his k Abak.t.6. Lukc