Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Praciice of Piety. 215 bit weeke : but that he would change and amend his wicked life ? No verily, hee would vfe the belt meanes to repent,and to become a new man. But as the rich man in the Gofpell promi- fed himfelfe many yeeres to line in eafe, mirth and fulne(e; when hee had not one night to Hue longer : fo, many wicked Epi- cures falfely promife them - felues the age of many yeeres, when the thred of their life is already alma drawne out to an end. So Jeremy afcribes the caufe of the Iewes fins and ca- lamities to this, that fhe remem- 6red not her lag end. The longeft (pace betwixt a mans comming by the wombe and going by the graue, is but fhort: for, Man that it borne of,* Woman bath but a fhort time to line. He bath but a f n, layer, and thofe full of nothing, but troubles. And, except the pra- a`tIce of Piety ; how much bet -' ter Luke 12.19, 2O. Lam.1.9. Iob t4.t.