uotidie moraine, quotirlie ew nam demitur pars vite,e.- tunc quaque cum crejci- mru,vita decrefcit. Viues. i Cor.i5.3i. Way 2.22. The Pranice of Pi,: ter is the Rate of the child that yeftcrday was baptized, and to day is buried , than MethstTh- lemf, who hued nine hundred fixty nice yeeres,and then died;, of the two , happier the Babe; becaufe he had leffe fsnne, and fewer firrowes. And what now remaines of both,but a bare re- membrance What truft fhould a man repofe in long life ? fee - ing thewhole life of man is no- thing but a ling- ing death ? fo that as the Apoftle proteffs ,, a man drill daily. Hark,e in thine eare, O fecure fellow; thy life is but a, puff.; of breath in thy noftrils, truft not, to it. Thy Soule dsvels in a houle of clay, that will fall, ere it be long as may appeáre by the dime f fe of thy Eyes, the deafinefe of thy Earec, the wrinkles in thy 7,°,ekes, the nit' tenne f fe of th y Teesb, the weak: nef ofthy Soaves ,the trembling of thy Hands , the Kalender in thy