Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

1$ The (Ike (Nay. with his Silk e. Harke (Tradef_ *van) ere man y fixemonet as goe .ouer, thy 14 - month will come on :afterwhich thou (halt trace away ; and trade no longer. Harke(rnoí}gre Iordge)with- in a fry Termes, ti?e tearrne of thy lijé approaeheth; wherein thou (halt ceafe to iudge others, and goe thy fel fr to bee iudged. Harke(O man of God)that goof} to the Pulpit ;, preach this ',Ser- mon, as it were, the ¡u? that thou fhouldefì make to thy people. Harke (Noble man) Iay afide the High conceit of thy Honour; 'Death, ere it be long, ¶korrSeep *F will lay thy honor in the dui}, a and make thee as bate as the kw earth, that thou treaded vnder thy feet. Harke (thous, tbagt no v reade this 1ooke) affure thy felfe ere it be long, there will be but two holes , where now:thy two eyei are placed : and others shall reade the truth of this fef feu upon thy bare .salt, which now