The Pratiice of 'Piety. f '2,19 'tow' thou a reädeít in this tale Booke HoW fborie .t know not, bìt this Iart lure of: that athy time is appointed, thy b moneihr Are determined, thy c -dayer are matmbred,& thy very d laf? h®ssre id ; beyond which,thou (halt not paffe. For then, the e fir(i borne of death, mounted on hiss f pale Home, fhall alight,If e 10t317.1;. at thy doore:and(nottvithfian= I f Apoc. 608. ding all thy wealth,th y Honour, and the tearer of thy dearef f iendr) will carry thee `away bound hand and flote, as his pri® loner, and keepe thy body vn_ dera Lode -of Earth, vntiU that: day èòme, wherein thou` uft' bee brought foorth, to g receiue according to the t iingr which thou ba/rt done in that body whether it 6eegroOd or cxrK. Oh,' let not' then the falfr hope of certaine long life, hinder thee from b corniiling a prefent nra- a lob T¢.T,}, b lob. ja,:x e t' f:9 0. t z. Uan.s.z6. Stat Pua ÇKIqllc' d ele V r. d 1oh: T3,10 and 11,9. g I Cor.Sc /9. bPfal.9s ey.3, Ftrnitenti veniam fo» Ifóndit, fed viuendiin l3`ozer of,. religious Pietie. God crajliirxn, ñ Offaeth grace to ddy, but non 11'o*or f_ e_ L . who; dit, Chr-