Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

-9P" F- 220 Nemo tam diuos habuit figuentes craginum vi y offit fibi pollice re, Senec. The Prdlice of7)iety, who promifeth to morrow ? There are now in Hell many young men, who had purpofed to repent in their old age-: but Death cut them off in their ins- peniteng , ere euer they could attajne to the time they fet for their repentance. The longer a man runs in a difèafe, the harder it is tobe cured, for cuftome of fin, breeds hardneffe of heart: and the impediments which hin- der thee from repenting now, will hinder thee more, when thou art more aged. 4 wife man being to goe a fiie & foule journey, will not la the heaujeft burthen vpon the weakeft Horfe. And with what confcience canft thou lay :the great load of repentance on 0.!)? feeble and tyred ,old age:. 'whereas now in thy chiefeft ftrength thou canft not lift it, but art ready to flogger vnder it? Is it wifedome for him that is to faile a long and dangerousi voyage,