Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The `Pra7ice of Piet'. voyage, to Iye playing and lee - ping, whileff -the rinde ferueth and the Sea is calme'; the Ship found; the Pilot well, the Ma- riners ftrong and then fet forth when the windes are contrary, the weather rempefíuoús, the Sea raging; the Ship rotten, the Pilot fic &e, and the Saylors lán- gttrfbing ? Therefore , O f n, at Soule, begin now thy cornier- lion to G O D, whilefi Life, Health, Strength, and 7outhla- fteth:befoe thofe a feeres draw nigh, when as thou f ialt fay, no pleafure in them God` euer required in his fcruice,. the b firft 6"orne ; and the a fi bExoda7 ;. fruits ; and thofe to bee of c Exod.2z, fered unto him without' delay. 29. So iuft d Abel offered vntó dGen. +,q. God his firfilings, and fatteft Lam6es : and reafon good that the be,£ Lord thould be pis and 'heft killed. All Gods feruants fliould therefore e re e Ecclef r:a member to forme their Creator L _ its