Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The PraE'Fice of nit/. as; fatisfie God with thy dotage ? Take heede., left God fume: thee otter to thy vide ma f ai er a-- gaine : that as thou haft, all the daies of thy life,done hi/ worke fo lice may inthe end pay thee thy water. Is that a fit time to vndertake by,., the feriour exer -- cites of repentance ( which is the rikrke of roorkes) ro turne thy fired: foule to God ; when thou art-not able with all thy ffrength, to turne thy weary bones on the ("oft bed ? If thou finder it fo harda matter now; thou (halt finde -'it -farre harder then.For thy fin will wax ftrort r ger,tliy jfrength wit grow wea- ker, thy Con ience will'clogge thee,p.rine will diftra.î thee, the fiareofdeath will amaze thee,., and the vifstation of friends wig' fo dif arbe thee, that if thou be not furnifhed afore - hand, with (lore of fairh, p<uiefnce, and ce t fotation, thou (halt not he able either to meditate thy f f,or to L 4 hare