The Praiftce if 'Piety, heave the words of comfort from others not to pray alone$, nor to ioyne with others who pray for thee. It may bee thou, {halt bee taken with a dumbe palfie, or fuck a deadly. feñl%f ne fe, that thou (halt neither remember God, nor thinke V N on thine owne efiate. And doe thou not wel deferue,. that God fhould forget to faue thee in thy death; who art fo vnmind - full now to (erne him in -thy dtf ? The f are of death will.{ ue many at that time, to cry, Lord, Lord : but Chrifi pro., tefteth,that he will not then know them fr- hù. Yea, many (hall then(fike Efau)with tearer rake to repent ; and yet finde no place to repentance. For man bath not free-will to repent when bee wil,but when God wil giue him grace: And ifinercy (hewed her felfe fo inexorable , that Thee would not open her gates to fo under. Sujters as ; to fo earneft