Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Prat-lice of Piet.y.! eameft filters as knockers, be° caufe they knocked too. bite How thinkeft thou, that thee will 'euer fuffer thee to enter her gates,being fo impure a wretch t.hht neuer thinkeft to kale finne, till finne firft- leaue thee, and dal neuer yet knock with thine owne fifti vpon the brill of a penitent heart ? And iuftly dòth her Grace deny to open the Gates ofHeauevwhen thor knockeft in thine aelnerfity, who in thy projperity wouldeft not fuffer Chrif whileft he knoc- ked, to enter in at the Thore of thy Heart. Truff not either late repentance , or long life : not Late repentance ; becaufe it is much to bee feared, leftAhat the repentance which the Ave of death enforceth, dyes with' a man dying. And the Hypocrite, who decefized ()Mersin his life, may deceiue hinAIR itt- his tie.ath., God accepteth notic bit Free-mil Offerings' and the re-