Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

1 ?htPratiiceof Piety. xàenter pentance that pleáfeth hi+ morimrsr, fr- , nifquè ab ©- t3luft be voluntary., and not of rigie pe;- coraraint, Not long life;for olde , det. age ,wìlCrfall vponthe necke of : : 41` Pubef en° youth : and as nothing is more ; 7:ee- s purdta fure, ttien death, ..fa nothing is : ;; rno e vncertihe the. the time ' pri- ma, Masa _.: ! . . .fdying ...Yea,of.t-times when , ripeneffe of finne is '; hafteneci ;: , by wutragdocfnef£e of finning, i God fudaeisly cutteth off filch vsctaut limerr, either with the.! irard, ingeNe,r,.rrtenee, lre.Assrrge, s , ,-.;r fome other_ fearefull manner of fck,ne fe. Iviaif} thou ,, noi fee, that itis-the euill fpirt i:,. Wzrkities thatperïwades thee, to, deferr-e ( . { c non fi- th,y À.epentanc,e till ,;olde rage ; xir c(/e, Experience tels thee , :that ; oa. .of A thozsf asd that takes thyscourfe, 44:,euer at-. taine- vnto it ? Let póAir,.H®iy -. Spirit : mooue thee not tzs g,iue tfe any.onger, to eAts, tnd xir Rife ink! áriäçh the drenk.cs, 1i.ii` thj hTe0çr fessd _ dG4tl6 :fo thee !IN ea dig a rrhen awe :lois`: not :txh. :7. 44.