Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

7,-he `PraîIke of ?ietj 22 sot fir him, and in an honre that then Qrt not alVare of andfo frtd' deny cot-thee of and appoint tbee thy portion with the Hy poc rites,1 where !ball be weeping and gnafh. ing of teeth, But if thou lode!}' a loMg 1 j'.; feare God, and long for tif ewerleing. The loïngefi life heere, when it comes to the period, will ap- peare to-haùe beene but a3'4 b tale that if told,a C vanifbing va- ponr, a flittilig d fhaddow, a fee- 1 coing e dreame, 4 gloriousfow- er, growing and f flop-jibing in the g morning,but in the evening, crut dowse and withered or likz a h. We ,cers fhuttle, which by winding here and there, fwiftdy vnwindeth it felfc tó,an end. It is but a i moment, faith` Saint Purl. O then the'tmadnel'fe of man ! that for moment vfr f - fall p1eafisrei wii hazard ;th c toffs of an /. terr I1 *eight of glary.., Thefe are the f rsesI chiefe' hinderers of Piety, which mu(}. be, a Deut. 3o. 16. Prou.3.1,:. Ptà1.;.0 l'faL 14.I1.; &c. b Pfai.9o.9. c Iam.4.14, d PfaI. 109. "3. e Pfa?j Pfal.go.f. ft Pct.'. :4 g Pfa1.90.6. b Ifa.:38.i;. .i s Cora 40 17, k Heb. it. a,,