Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

Tbs'Prat °lice (Tiny. 229: for what thouldit angle a man, (as our Sauiour faith) to win the whole world f a time ; anti then to lofe hie fonte M Hellp- tuer ? And feeing that . likewife thou feeft how great is thy happinelP in ChriJ?.'; . and 'how vaine are the 'hinderancea, that debarre the from the fame : be.. ware (as the Apoftle exhorteth) Hsb.3i3 of the deWalneffe of fiasse. For that finne, which feemes now to be fo ?leafing' tothy corrupt nature, will oie day proòue the bietèrei enemy to thy diThe fed. f uk; and in the meane while harde {'vnawares) thine impexi° s.nt heart. Sinne (as a .Se, pent) feemes beautiful' to the ye but take heede of the fling behinde whole venemous effelis iFchbu kneweft thou wou?def# as care- fully .flic Fos iron., as frac) a Svpent: for, ß . Since did timer any rra