z The Pr.aaflice of Tiety. g lnc4raatie verbi rep, is non? airs we Spiritri sa»áo trig yr iudbx.+dv ttx'9aù,u4- 3®ihritcio- competrt. Da. maf.i. de .r. dho.ftd.cqi j. Ieäplewit cAr. xc,m (hri/fi ?Ayr p? Spi- vitas S.Jed ttspiell aret ban fulicps iiwe, Ugern>A3., ¿61 ero ji. tah.j.6. a,(adna,a:ia. &".5.8,1o. lice rnsru7rt fztierafeniper ptei¢r cagiest) vas bot ne riatita,wda vs,t;etr ta fairu ZNietàt , 1n tiiainitate `'Jei9ltrt, fie- ;J.& in hxata nit4td 14mintt filing ,no ne- vete.n fi lii ad altctum owe- fir et. qui non nfist .e.qerna atsgurtate ,¢liar.Paat font , but for nature they are co- efientiall,, for Dignity coequal!, for Time coeternall. The whole diurne Ef %race is in emery orne of the three Perfora; but it was incarnated g onely in the fecond Perlon of the Word , and not in the perfora of the Fa- ther, or ofthe holy Choi; for three reafons. Firf}, that God the Father might thé rather fet forth the greatnc.ffe of his loue to Nan - kind; in giaing his firft and onely begotten Sonne,,to be incarnated,: and to fuff r death :for mans fal4.. nation. Secondly, that he who was in his Di/fixity the Sonne of God, fhould bee in lois Hunnanity the Son ofMtn :lef} the none of Son íhould paffe vnto another, who by his etern411 natiuity was pot the Soipw. Thirdly, becaufe it was mee, ten, that that pert n who is the=. fisbftantiall Ìretasge of his eternal! Father,