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44 tn Gen.ty.3. Pfal. at y.3. Mae. ma é. gph.:.zt. Math.8.2. Deut potefl omnia qua con- traliffi;oaem uo>tnimplreant. Aqu.t. qn.25, arr.;. 4. Onsnipotrntia excladit on- ties dej,sctat, gui funt im.. potentia feu, poll; uteatiri, uteri, peceare, t chr0.29. 3t,t2. 2 Sa1n.7.22. Apoc.S: 112,1; 411 Cors9 14. Rine 'Dew dicitur, eíUTpXpátreP. p Rom. 9.15. [oh.,}.. tu The PraEfice of Pr. whereby bee m can (imply and freely doe Yrbatfoeuer he will , that is agreeable to his nature, and whereby (as he bath made, fo) bee í1 i11 ruleth heauen, and earth , and all things therein. This Almighty power of God is either abfolute; by which he can will,and doe more than bee wil= leth or doth, .9. and 26, 53, Rom. 9. t g, Or by which God loth indeed what - foeuer hee will, and hindered' whatfoeuer bee will not baue done, Pfal.r ;,3. 5 . Masefltie is that,bywhich God of his ovine abfolute and free authority n raigneth and ruleth,. as Lord and King, ouer all creatures, vifible and inuifi- ble: Hauing both the right and proprietie in all things , as o from whom, and för whoa, are all things : as alfo Inch a plenitude of power , that bee can pardon the off.nces of all whom hee p hawse Íjared, and fubdue all