Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

Dedicatory. beretofore thofe bane beene comet- ted moll holy , who Luse fhewed themfelues rm,J? zealous in their Religion ; they are now re led anofi difcreet, who can make the Mara :S,:. leaf} profefiiion of their Faith. a Tims.4. u nd that thefe are the lafi dayes, appe rer euldently ; 64,6.40. the -Secaritie of ment eter nail + F_xemplu /fate ath f h l ed acciáit mu- o o affter=v a rh_ as lderia,Domi CHRIST foretold it fhould) no teire,gu. All farts : that moll who now lime t TJeatrrim are become loners of f leaures ad yt,a p turn Demo more than loners of God: And ; nae rea jr:r. of thofe who pretend to loue tagrre in ex_ God, O GOD! what ñtlif- ;orcifern etas` edheart can sat bleed', td behold ' oneraretrrr: % immandut how feldome they come to iriru,9 prayers? how irreuerently they quod akfus heare Gods Word? what fran- e/I frdelena gers they are at the Lords Ta= Rggred: can framer r iI(fIi(JiL 1 guidon (ix- qurt) feci,iaa meo ear in- neni,Tertde ble? what afiiduous. fpeaators they are at Stage-playes ? where (being Chriflians) they can ffiórt thet»felrees to heave the Vaffal9 of the * diuell fcen +Religion, llveuib. bla,fphemouíl y aafng phra- cap.só. '4.4 fis