Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Pratlice of PietT dome. Make his fall house his bell houre, his loll words his bet} words, and bis laß thoughts his bell thoughts. And when the ffght of his 'eyes is gone, and his Tongue final! faile to do his office, grant (O Lord) that his Soule may (with Stephen) behold lefts Chrift in heauen, ready to receiue him- s and that thy Spirit within him, may make requefis for him, with ght which cannot de expre f fed. Teach vs in him to reade and fee ourowe end & mortalitie, and therefore to bee careful! to prepare our felues for our lafl ends, and put our felues in a readineffe againft the time that thou !bait call for vs, in the like manner. Thus, Lord we recommend this our deare Brother (or Mier) thy ficke feruanr,vnto thy eternal! grace and mercie in that Prayer, which Chriîl our Saufour hash taught vino vs,faying, p/tr