.v---- 7-hp Pragiceef Piety , I 729 Our Father which art in Rea - uen,cc. Thy grace, O Lord refus Chrift; tby lotse,O heavenly Fa- ther; thy comfort and confolati- on, O holy Spirit, 6e with vs all, and efpecialy with thistly facl¿,e ferttant, to the end, and in the end. A men. Let them reade often vnto the Sicke,fome fpeciall Chap- ters of the holy Scriptures, as; The three fira Chapters of the booke of lob. The xi.. and z9. Chapters of .lob. Tie 34.Chapter of Deutero- Tile two Ian Chapters of rofhl The 17. Chapter of the firft of Kings. The 2.4.2nd ia.Chapters of the fecond of Kings. The 3 8.4o.and 65. Chapters of Ifaiah. 1i r The.