Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

730 i The FraRiceofPiet]. The Hit-levy oft he Padìo4I of Chili. I The S. Chapter to the Ro. manes. The 15. Chapter of the firfi Epifile to the Corinthians. The 4. of the firfi Epiftieto th e Tbfiralorridns The S. Chapter of the second Epefi[e o f Paul to the Corinthi. ant. 1 The fir(i and iaa Chapters of I Saint lame. 7. The It t. and zZ. to the He. brews. The fir(} Epiffle of Teter. The three fir(}, and the three 'aft Chapters of the Retachation, I or Tome of theee. I And fo exhorting the ficke party to traite vpon God, by Faith and Patience, till he fend for him; and praying the Lord to fend them a ioyfull meeting in the Kingdome of heauen. Iand a Miffed Refrrroélon at the WI day, they may depart at ( their