Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Prc.aice orPiety. 73 ,..-.---- their pleafure in the peace o Godes. C©nfolctions agaainß impatiencJ' in fickyd.c. LF in thy f ck -nes by extremi- tie of Paine thou bee driuen to °icpatiencie, meditate;; r. That thy farrees haue de- ferued° the pines of hell:there_ fore thou mayefi with greater patience endure there father y correllions. z. That thefé are the [cour. ges of thy heauenly Father, & the rod is in his hand. If thou . dida futfer with reuerence bee ing a child, the corre6ion, of thy earthly parents; how much, rather fhouideti thou now fubie6 thy feife (being the- CUM of God)to the chaßife. ment of thy I-leasaenly Father,, feeing it is fo; thine etersralI -good? 3. That bici. 12«9l