Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

, The PralliceofPiety. 3. That CHRIST fuffered in his f iule and body fargrie- j uá«f raines for thee; there.' fore, thou mua more willing., ly fufer his blefíèd pleafure 1 for thine owne'good. There.. fore (faith Peter) Chrift free. red for you, leaning you an ex. ample, that flee fhould f ollorw his Heb41211, flops. And Let vs, (faith Saint a. Paul) runne with i ,the race that is let before vs, king veto lei-us, the Author and fr'nifer t.Ptt:5 .9 ofourFaithmho for the ioythat S.Rmitus was fet before hirx,endured the Cum quotá Crab, en. ni5 gravi 4. That there afflí6ions mo;cs ten- earetrar a which now you fuller, are none Deo, doluit other but filch which are accom- quod vno pifhed in your brethren that are If"le fiber sn the world, as witneffeth Tr- f a ter : Yea, lobs aflíelions were alercrtrts farre more grieuous. There is uijfet, not one of the Saints, which. .vino Par, now are at nil in Heauenly c.a.8. boyes, but endured as much as you doe, before they went thither