Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

TbePrallke of Piety. 733 thither : Yea many of them willingly fufered all the tor- ments, that Tyrants could in- fli6 vpon them, that they . might come to thofe heauenly ioyes, whereunto you are now called.And you haue a promife that the god of all grace, after z Pet.s,w tit you haue ftsiered a while; will make you per-felz eflablifh, firengthen, and fettleyou. And, that Goa) of his fidelity will not fu f f er you to be tempted abone thatyeu are able, but will with the temptation itlfe make a way . to efcape, thatye may be able to Beare it. 5. That GOD bath deter. mined the time, when thy of fliaión íha1l end, as well as the time when it began. Thir- IOÇs' tie eightyeeres were appointed the ficke titan at Tethefdaes poole.. Trwelue yeeares to the Woman with the blondie flue. Mat.9. sa. Three Aloneths to lllofes: Exod.12 Tenne daies tribulation to the Apo 2.1c. Angell