734 The Proglice of of the Church ofSnyr. t.Salit, , na:threedayes-plagueto Dasuid,. 23. Yea the. number of the godly Pfal,56 8, mans tears are regijiredin gods &coke; and the guanticie kept in. his Bottle,. The time of' our troubles,; (faith Chri.. )is but a modscuna, Gods anger lais but a ma. ment(faith algid.) A littlefea. fon.(faith the Lord :) and there fore calls all the time of our pain, but the houre of forrow 'auid, for the fwiftnctre there.. ivndicú ß* v;dEao vol. Ioh t6 6 Prat. so. Apo.6. c r lohn .t6. Pfal.ato.7 of, compares our prefent trou Nutiecu'a bles to a Brook! and Athana4. e(1,cát® fier to a Showre. Compare the. tralsjba. llonge fl irrsferx chat man indures in this life, to the eternity of i hearten y ioyer,and they will ap_ 1 peare to bee nothing. And as the fi ht of a Sonne fafe bòrne: 101145.21 makca the (Mother forget all, her former deadly paie : fo- the fight of Chrift in Heauen,.i who was borne for thee;. will I make all thefe pangs of death to