T'hePradice of Piety: Í 735 to be quite forgotten,as if they had neuer beene:lïke Stephen, who as Bone as hebtw Çhrif = Aä3 ;7. forgot his own wounds, with the horrour- of the graue, and 9 terror -of the f oner;and fweetly; yeelded his faule into the hands of his Sauiour. Forget thine owne paine, think c of Chriilt, rasuundi: Eec faithful/ unto the! Apo;a.tt. death, and be will line thee the Crowne ofeternall life. O. 'act you are now cal: led to Repentance, in C;hriPs Schoole; to fee how much Faiths `Patience, and godli. ne(fe, you haue learned all this while : and whether you can like lob ,rccei e at the hand of, Pob:a,ro_ God fame end! as well as you- haue hitherto receiued a great dealt of good. As thereforeyou haue alwayes prayed, Thy will be done, fo be not now ofended at, this which is done by his holy all. 1 7. That all things !ball work, Rom 3o28 together