936 The Pra7ice ° iet r. together for.the bell to them that Verf.; 8. loue god: inf rmuch that neither 39. death, no life, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor powers, &c. fall be able to feperate vs from the lame of Çod,which is in lefns Chrifl our Lord. Allure your felfe, that euery pang is a pre - uention of the,paines of Hell; euery refpice,an earnefi of Hea. tiens Ref 1 : And how many firipes doe you efleeme Heauen worth ?As your life Bath beene a Comfort to others : fo glue your friends a Chrifiian exam - pie to dye, and dcceiue the Di- uell as .fob did. It is but the croie of Chris'i fent before,to crucifie the loue of the World in thee; that thou mayef goe eternally to liue with Chrifi, who was crtscified for thee. As thou art therefore a true Chri frian, take vp (like Simon of Cyrene) with both thy armes, his holy Croffe, Barrie it after him vino him, thy paines will fhortly Morbus né araalis adnu »serandus quia rsrslti, vtiliter at cedit.Bafil in Hearn. Morbus e(i vtilís qua dam in¡li- tutio, que docet cads ea afperne- re & cede- Ilia í'pirare;, Nazia ad Fhilari- um.