Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The PraF1ice of Piety. 737 ílhortly paffe, the ¡oyes fhall ne- uer pile away. Confolations againfi t h e feare of Death. ',1F in the time of thy fle nefre thou findeil thy felfe fearefnll to die;meditate: T. That it argueth a dafiard dymind to feare that which is not: for in the Church of Chrifr` there's no death, ifay 25. 78. And, whofoener lineth and .be- leeaieth in Chris ,flallnetter die, John i r, 26. Let them feare Death, who liue without Chria. Chriflians die aot,but when they plea fe GOD, they are like Enoch, tranflated vnto God. Their paires are but E- liahs fiery Chariot to cary them vp to heauen : or like Lazarks fores, fending them to "gra- hams bofome, In a word, if thou bee in one of them that like Gen. S.zg.. King.z. L uke®I6.z