7 3 8 ¡ The Pr6aice of piety. like Lazarus, loueft lefu.r irhy fîckncs is not veto the death,btet for the glory of god: who of his loue change!h thy liming death', to an euerlhßi g life. And if I many Heathen men, as Socra- tes, Curtifss, Seneca, Cc. dyed rvállingly, (when they might bane hued) in hope of the im- mortalitie of the Soule; wilt thou being trained fo long in. Chrifes, Schools, (and now cal- led to the Maridage Supper of the bla ed Lambe, Apo.19.7.) be one of thole GHeftt that re- fufe to goe to that ioyfull Bean. geaet? God forbid. 2. Remember that thy a bode' here, is but the fecond de. gree of thy life :for after thou h adtl firft limed nine moneths in, thy mothers wombe, thou wail csf nece11ity dr.iuen thence, to line here in a feeond degree of life. And when that number of cfrEoneths which God' bath determined for this life, are ex- pired; Ioh.p4. Iob. 14.1.