Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Pra Rice of Piety. ?3 9 pired; thous uft likewife leave this, and pefle to.a third degree in the other world, which ne uer ends. Which to them that hue and die in the L ord,fur - paffeth as farre this kind of, litre, as this doth that which one lines in his mothers arombeo.' To this laft and a ccellen.teft de -' gree of Iife,through this doore, paffed Chrift himfelfe,,and all his Saitsts that were before thee: and fo fhall all the ref . after them and thee. Why fhouldeti thou feare that which is cona- mon to all Cods Elea ? why fhoald chat be vncouth to thee,, which was fo welcome to all them? Feare not death, for as it is the exodus ofabad,fo it is the Genefis of a better world:. the end of a temporal!, but . the: beginni. g of an eternitllJife. 30. Confider that there are but three things that can make Death fo fearefull veto- thee, fiìft, the Joffe thou haft thereby: fecondly Mors pre- fentis vit* exitus introitxs melioris. I3cr.ia Ep, ad ROM.