740 Mai.6. a g 2 o. Iob. r4.i. Cor.s.2, T he Pratlice of Piety. fecondly the paine that is there- in : thirdly, the terrible fe(h which follow after: Ail thefe are hut falfe fires, and caLfleffe feares. For the firfi, if thou leauefi here vncertaine goods, which Thieves may rob; thot, fhált finde in Heauen a true Treaj re, that can neuer be ta. ken away : there were but lent thee, as a Steward vpon ac_ counts,thofe (hall begiwen thee as thy reward for euer.If thou . leauef% a lowing wife; thou (halt be marled to Cbrifi which is more Icwely :If thou leauefl Children and Friends, thou fhalt there finde all thy Religi- ous Anceflours, and Children departed; yea, Chrifi, and all his blefred Saints and Angeli; and as many of thy Children as be Gods Children,fhall thi- ther follow after thee. Thou leauefl an earthly poffe11ron,and an Houfe ofclay, and thou (halt enjoy an Heauenly inheritance and