The PraElice of P,iety_. ?,... .._ and manfion of glory which is purchafed, prepared,and refer° ued for thee. What hall thou loft ?Nay,is not death vnto thee gaine ?Goe home, goe home, and we will follow after thee. Secondly, for the paine in death; the feare of death more paines many, then the very pangs of death : for many a Chriflian dyes without any great pangs, or paines. Pitch the Anchor of thy hope on the firmeground of the word of God, who hath promifed in thy weakendeto perfell hisffrègth, and not to fuller thee to be temp- ted abase that thou art able to beare. And aria will fhortly turne all thy temporali paines to his eternall ioyes. Lafirly,as for the terribleef_ fells which follow after death, they belong not vnto thee, being a Member of Chrifi, for Chrifl by his death bath ta- ken away thefling of death to the Timor mor- tis ipfa mer.. te pesor.