741 Rorn.8.t. I011.5.24. 1 Cm,' S. t Thef.4. Efay æ6. A poc. ® 4 . t Ioh.q..g zeoXuosC 4 EFPöpU. Luke.g. z.Ccr.5. departing in peace; a remoutn ]coo r, from this body to go to the Lord; Mers porta a di frolcstion of oule and body to ¡loris. Gre ta¡guru 6e with Chrift.W hat {hall I fay? vite, Bernard. I precious in the fight of the Lord is The Prat-lice of Piety. the faithfull; fo that now there is no condemnation to them that are in Chrift Iefus. And Chrifi hath proteílcd, that he that be. leeraeth in him, bath euerlafiing life, andfhall not come into con- demnation,but hath puffed from death veto life. Hereupon the holySpirit from Heauen faith, bided f e are the dead that die in the Lord: and that from thence- forth they ref from their labours and their worker dafollow them. In ref-pea therefore of the faithful], death is fivallonted vp invillor7, and his fling which is fin, and the p inil ment there - of, is taken away by Chrifl. Hence Death is called., in re- fpeEt of our bodies, afleepe,and refs : its refpeEt ofour fouler, a going to our heauenly Father;a