The Praffice of Piety. 7...743 is the death of his Saints. Thefe pairies are but thy throve: and franca to bring forth eternall life. And who would not pafie through Hell, to goe to Para - dife? Much more through death? There is nothing after death, that thou raeede t feare; not thy fines, beoaufe Chrifi bath payed thy ranfome; not the fudge, for bee is thy louing brotber; not the Craue,far it is the Lords bed;no t Hell, for thy Redeemer keepes the keyes:rot the Deuill, for Fads holy An- gels pitch their tents about thee, and will not leaue thee till they bring thee to Heauen. Thou waft neuer neerer Eter- nalllafeaglorifìe therefore Chrift by a bleffed death. Say cheare- fully, Come Lord Iefus,for thy feruanc comrneth unto thee: I am willing Lard, helpe my "reakene fe. Se,atteet