Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

?44 ThePraflice ofPieq, Seauera fans ified thous' fits, and rournefull fight's of a fsck man ready to die. Ow for as much as God N of his infinite mercie Both fo temper our paine and uicke. neffe, that we. re not alwayes oppreifed with extremity :but glues vs in the middeft ofour extremities force re¡pite, to eafe & refrefh our felues; thou mull haue an efpeciall care ( confidering`how fhort a time thou haft either for ewer to lofe or to obtain Heauen)to make vie of euery breathing time, which God doth affoord thee; and during that little time of eare to gather ftrength againft the fits of greater angtaiJh. Therefore in thefe times of re. laxarion and eafe, vie forne of thefe ilaort thoughts and fishes. The,