Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The PraEice of Piety. 745 1 The firß Thought. J into S.Eeing every man enters th s life in teares, pafleth it in fweat, and ends it in farrow; ah what is there in it that a man fhould delire toliue any longer in it! Oh what a folly is it, that when the Uktarirer roweth with all his force to ariue at the ifhed port ;and that the traued ler neuer relieth t;l he corns to his iournics end,we feare to de- fcry our port; and therefore would putbackour Bark,tobe longer toted in this continual! tépe:we weep to fee ouriour- nies end,and therefore defare our iourrey to be lengthned, that we may be more tired with a foule and comberforne way. The f7iritßall Sigh thereupon, L ® R D, this life is but a troublefor a Pilgrimage : K k few I